darkangel_0410 Sep 23, 2014 00:26
most handsome man in hockey, patrick kane, random, chicago blackhawks: one goal, that's hockey baby, dallas stars -the little team that could, patrick sharp, sharpy, gifs, heartbreaker, segsy, pic, tyler seguin, fuck you tsegs, kaner
darkangel_0410 Sep 17, 2014 00:28
carey price, patrick sharp, sharpy, i got 99 problems & theyre all hockey, best in the world, sidney crosby, goalie love is the best, most handsome man in hockey, le club du hockey, sid, chicago blackhawks: one goal, paul martin, carey fucken price, pittsburgh penguins: creature keepers, paulie, meme, pics, d-men do it better, creature
darkangel_0410 Sep 13, 2014 21:38
so cute, seabsie, dallas stars -the little team that could, patrick sharp, duncs, sharpy, oh captain my captain, mini picspam, brent seabrook, seabs, jonathan toews, fuck you tsegs, duncan keith, chubbs, patrick kane, most handsome man in hockey, jonny, chicago blackhawks: one goal, jamie benn, tazer, jigsaw, heartbreaker, segsy, tyler seguin, d-men do it better, pics, kaner
darkangel_0410 Jul 27, 2014 23:22
kris versteeg, bryan bickell, i love my goalie, patrick sharp, duncs, sharpy, oh captain my captain, saader, bicks, seabs, captain serious, ledpipe, jonathan toews, 1988, most handsome man in hockey, patrick kane, brandon saad, corey crawford, it's not the size of the mutt, crow, shawzy, jonathan toews/patrick kane, primer: chicago blackhawks, heartbreaker, andrew shaw, chicago blackhawks, dilf, kaner, verbeauty, nick leddy, leds, manchild, niklas hjalmarsson, so you want to hockey (like a sc winner), brent seabrook, goalie love is the best, duncan keith, tazer, marian hossa, duncan keith/brent seabrook, hoss, hammer, d-men do it better
darkangel_0410 Jun 14, 2014 21:50
most handsome man in hockey, patrick sharp, sharpy, hockey or porn
darkangel_0410 Jun 08, 2014 23:13
switch!sharpy, domme!abby, sub!pat, patrick sharp, bdsm, sub!seabs, brent seabrook, patrick sharp/abby sharp, random: hockey rpf, jonathan toews, duncan keith, 1988, patrick kane, fic, jonathan toews/patrick kane, dom!duncs, drabble, duncan keith/brent seabrook, chicago blackhawks, dom!jonny
darkangel_0410 May 12, 2014 11:25
patrick kane, wolves of chicago, brandon bollig, andrew shaw/brandon bollig, patrick sharp, jonathan toews/patrick kane, brent seabrook, duncan keith/brent seabrook, andrew shaw, patrick sharp/abby sharp, jonathan toews, duncan keith
darkangel_0410 Apr 24, 2014 07:42
patrick kane, slash, patrick sharp, jonathan toews/patrick kane, brent seabrook, duncan keith/brent seabrook, random: hockey rpf, jonathan toews, duncan keith, alpha/beta/omega, 1988, fanfic
darkangel_0410 Apr 23, 2014 00:24
most handsome man in hockey, picspam, chicago blackhawks, patrick sharp, pics, sharpy
darkangel_0410 Apr 20, 2014 19:55
wolves of chicago, patrick sharp, brent seabrook, patrick sharp/abby sharp, jonathan toews, duncan keith, 1988, au, patrick kane, abby sharp, slash, corey crawford, jonathan toews/patrick kane, duncan keith/brent seabrook, andrew shaw, fanfic